Do you have experience in indoor vegetable gardening, for example with our PlantHome, or do you rather stick to a traditional vegetable garden? At Own Greens we regularly speak with people who are hesitant to start with indoor vegetable gardening. They often find the concept very interesting, but they are afraid, for example, that growing vegetables and herbs indoors is less healthy than growing them in a traditional vegetable garden. This is very understandable: after all, indoor vegetable gardening is a relatively new concept. In this blog we list three common misconceptions about indoor vegetable gardening and we clearly explain how things really are. Who knows, this might be just the push you need to start your own indoor vegetable garden!
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Finally! Spring is in full swing and now that the corona measures have almost disappeared, a lot of people are going out again. For the first time in two years, bigger events are also possible again and this year the 7th edition of the Floriade will take place in the Netherlands.
With grown your own fresh herbs, you not only contribute to your own health, but it is also better for the environment, because your herbs do not have to be transported first. Something you have less influence on is the amount of herbs you have in your house. After all, we cannot control exactly how fast and how well our plants grow 😉
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It is a problem that every home grower has to deal with: your seeds do not germinate and you are left with a (half) empty vegetable garden. Seeds are natural products, so it is always possible that a seed is of lower quality and does not germinate. However, there are a number of things that can increase the chance of germination. We have listed these for you below, and we also explain how the Own Greens germination guarantee works.
If you have experience with indoor vegetable gardening, or maybe even have your own PlantHome, chances are you own at least one basil plant. Basil is a popular herb in many kitchens and is especially widely used in pasta and caprese salad. Yet you are actually doing this plant a disservice if you only use it to occasionally to flavour a dish. Basil has many other uses that you may not have heard of! Below we have listed a number of useful uses of basil. This way you will never be left with too much fresh basil and you will take full advantage of all the good properties this plant has to offer.
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