Three misconceptions about indoor vegetable gardening
Do you have experience in indoor vegetable gardening, for example with our PlantHome, or do you rather stick to a traditional vegetable garden? At Own Greens we regularly speak with people who are hesitant to start with indoor vegetable gardening. They often find the concept very interesting, but they are afraid, for example, that growing vegetables and herbs indoors is less healthy than growing them in a traditional vegetable garden. This is very understandable: after all, indoor vegetable gardening is a relatively new concept. In this blog we list three common misconceptions about indoor vegetable gardening and we clearly explain how things really are. Who knows, this might be just the push you need to start your own indoor vegetable garden!
“An indoor vegetable garden takes up a lot of space in the house”
Especially if you only have limited space indoors, you probably don't want a huge vegetable garden in your living room or kitchen. When you start a vegetable garden in your own garden, you often quickly lose a few square meters of garden. A major advantage of indoor vegetable gardening, however, is that the systems are often extremely suitable for working in height. Take our PlantHome Pro, for example: this is an indoor vegetable garden in which up to ninety small herb plants or eighteen large heads of lettuce can be grown. The vegetable garden consists of three floors, so you can grow a lot of fresh vegetables and herbs in a relatively small area!
“The light used in indoor vegetable gardens such as the PlantHome is harmful to your health”
As you may know, LED panels are used in most indoor vegetable garden systems to provide optimal conditions for growing fresh herbs and vegetables. We also use this light in our PlantHome and PlantHome PRO. We regularly hear from our followers on social media that they really like the concept of an indoor vegetable garden, but are reluctant to use it, because they are afraid that the LED light is bad for their health. Fortunately, we can also reassure these people: LED light is not harmful to our health! Although LED lamps usually produce more blue light, which can lead to lower melatonin production and therefore poorer sleep, you don't have to worry about this when using the PlantHome. Our LED panels not only give off a relatively warm light, but because of the smoked glass in our PlantHome and PlantHome PRO, you will never be bothered by bright light shining into your living room or kitchen and your biological clock will not be disturbed either. Another advantage is that LED lamps do not blink, as for example fluorescent tubes do, this prevents you from getting a headache or sore eyes.
“Indoor vegetable gardening creates a mess in the house”
We can well imagine that you do not want the soil that you use in the garden for your vegetable garden in your home. But did you know that you don't need any potting soil to grow with our PlantHome? You grow your fresh herbs in growing bowls that you only have to fill with (tap) water and mineral pills. So, you never run the risk that the floor will be filled with soil!