Time for a BBQ the Own Greens way!
Yes! The time has finally come: the temperatures are well above 20 degrees, the sun is shining and we can go outside again! Besides a nice day at the beach, barbecuing is one of the most popular activities for many people during the summer months. However, many people mainly see barbecuing as unhealthy, because of the large amount of meat and the small amount of vegetables that are often consumed with it. It is indeed true that the average barbecue mail consists of hamburgers, sausages, baguettes and pre-packaged salad and thus can be considered as not necessarily the healthiest meal. Still, it doesn’t take much to make a traditional barbecue that little bit healthier and maybe even tastier: with a filled PlantHome you can go a long way!
Until now, you may have seen the PlantHome mainly as a handy solution for growing your favourite vegetables and herbs in winter, but it also comes in handy during a summer barbecue! The large variety of herbs you can grow in your PlantHome offers you plenty of options to spice up your barbecue. For example, put some sprigs of fresh rosemary on the barbecue with the burgers: that not only creates a lovely scent, but also gives your meat that little bit of extra flavour. If you have grown thyme, dill or parsley, you can perfectly use this to make delicious salmon packages for the barbecue. Herbs like chives and parsley are very suitable for making a delicious herb butter to eat with your bread. If you want to make your barbecue even healthier, you can also choose to make a large, green salad with our butter salad. Of course, you can also just put the growing bowls from your PlantHome on the table and let everyone at the table pick their favourite herbs themselves!