Basil, Basil and Basil

Basil, Basil and Basil
There are several different varieties of basil, with the most common being Sweet Basil, which is known for its punchy clove smell when fresh. It’s the one that makes pesto taste amazing. At Own Greens, we love this type along with Thai Basil and Lemon Basil. All three types can be found in our collection of Plant Cup herbs to grow in your PlantHome. However, do you have the right knowledge on how to harvest your fully grown basil plant and re-grow it? In case you are wondering, it’s easy to make mistakes in this case, so continue reading if you’re interested. Unless you feel a little lazy and want to buy the next batch Plant Cups, then go ahead and click here. We don’t judge!

The moment you’ve been waiting for is finally here! A beautiful delicious-smelling basil plant is at its final stage. Ready to be harvested for a dish or recipe of your choice. Do you feel like you’ve stared at the plant for a minute too long because you don’t know the best way to prune for re-growth? Let us help you. Basil plant is a rapid grower if you cut 8cm from the base of the plant, leaving a few cm of leaves. Even after a major cutting back, the herb will be ready for pruning again in a few weeks. Providing that you keep the water level full in the containers.

A good tip is to regularly pinch off the leaves or flower buds on a basil plant because it encourages a full, bushy plant. When the plant starts touching the light ceiling of the PlantHome, it’s the perfect time to start pinching off the top leaves for a healthy re-growth. You can either snack on the leaves, dry them or garnish a quick lunch.

Now, do you think it would be hard to live without basil? We think it would be devastating.