
It's January and we can imagine that you need a fresh start. Maybe you are planning to thoroughly clean and tidy up your house or you’re planning to start cooking healthier from now on. Are you planning to do a big New Year's cleaning? Don't forget to take a look at how the plants in your PlantHome are looking. Perhaps you have had little time to maintain your plants due to the busyness of the past few months, or you’ve had an empty PlantHome for a while because you have not yet found the time to start growing. As far as we are concerned, a PlantHome full of fresh vegetables and herbs is in any case a good idea for a fresh start to the new year! To help you achieve this, in this blog we give you tips with which you can successfully start a new growing round and increase the chance of a well-stocked PlantHome even more.
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Traditionally, the holidays are filled with evenings of long, cosy dining. Many people therefore have the well-known New Year's resolution in January: 'I will eat healthier this year'. Whether you really ate a lot, or unhealthy during the holidays or not, this new year’s resolution won’t do any harm. You can make a good start by adding more vegetables to your diet. Vegetables contain few calories, but they do contain a lot of dietary fibre. Vegetables are also packed with vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, potassium, folic acid, and iron. These are all nutrients that we need for good health. For example, folic acid is necessary to produce red and white blood cells and iron helps transport oxygen throughout the body. Eating vegetables therefore provides many health benefits and the general advice of the Nutrition Center is therefore to eat at least 250 grams of vegetables per day. Especially if you don't eat vegetables often or don't like to eat vegetables, it can seem like a lot of work to take this amount daily. To help you on your way, we give you a few tips below to easily add more vegetables to your diet.
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The holidays are almost over and January is just around the corner. You may be glad that these messy weeks are over and you are back to your old rhythm, but we can also imagine that you’re not exactly looking forward to the coming grey months. Compared to the December month full of lights and holidays, January and February can quickly feel gloomy and unsociable. Many people suffer from a somewhat lowered mood or even a winter dip during these months.
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It is impossible to imagine our society without sustainability. But preparing food puts a strain on the environment. This is due, among other things, to the use of fossil fuels, greenhouse gas emissions, water consumption and food waste. Sustainable cooking does not have to be difficult and it can also save you money. In this blog, we will give you some tips on how to be energy efficient and environmentally aware when cooking.
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You may have seen our PlantHome before and thought you were looking at 'just' an indoor vegetable garden. But nothing could be further from the truth! In our PlantHome you can grow your own fresh vegetables and herbs, but our growing bowls contain water instead of soil. Growing plants on water is also called hydroponics and has been used more and more as a technique in vertical (indoor) vegetable gardens in recent years. We can imagine that you haven’t heard of this way of growing before, so we would like to explain how it works.

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